Sunday, 26 December 2010

Video / sound piece i've been working on. tuen the bass up on your speakers!

more of this to come next year.

snap shot poster

I did this a little while ago.. i'm planning on taking the idea further but still unsure of how i actually plan to do this.

Website redesign

After a hard xmas day of stuffing my face and drinking way too much champagne I thought I'd recover with a long, hard dreamweaver session.. am quite pleased with the results so far..

Sunday, 21 November 2010

mmmmmmmmmm.. tasty

Here's a little book I made comparing the presentation of fast food to the reality of what you end up with on your plate.. grim

here I go

Hey! I just remembered I have a blog!

Haven't posted anything for a while so thought I'd share the work of Alberto Hernández, a spanish designer living in London.

The boys got some good shit, check it out

Monday, 5 July 2010

Centre space - my new yard

Last week I was helping my extremely normal friend jake mount an exhibition of work he did involving walking around hong kong in a pair of pants made out of ping pong balls.. normal

we ended up sleeping on the gallery floor for 2 nights while we set up. i don't recommend this if you want a good nights sleep.

the exhibition is going on until wed at centre space in bristol city centre. get your self down there.

Monday, 7 June 2010

Arnolfini business

Here's a few pictures from the display at the arnolfini before Henrik Kubel's talk and the preview of Typeface

Saturday, 29 May 2010

7 deadly..

It's been a long and bumpy ride but I'm finally finished with my book - How Not to do Things (the old fashioned way), it documents a week of my life where I committed one of the seven deadly sins per day as much as I could be setting myself rules I had to abide by each day.

It is being displayed at the Arnolfini on Wed 4th June with some other 2nd year graphics work and some some 3rd year ISTD (international society of typographic designers) application work, along with a lecture form Henrik Kubel ( as part of the lauch for the new film Typeface.

Thursday, 8 April 2010

Jimmy Carr Hijacks C4 ads

I'm not really a huge Jimmy Carr fan but still what a joker..

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Saturday, 6 March 2010

Guy Rules At Everything - Watch more Funny Videos

this is great. don't quite understand why the music changes every scene though

Wednesday, 3 March 2010

D&AD Poster

Done for a uni brief, will be screen printed next week..

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


made this from a tutorial so perhaps its a bit of a cheat.

Monday, 1 March 2010

vinyl close up

Saw this on underconsideration.

one of the coolest things ive seen all day

Sunday, 21 February 2010

1 week of illness

Writers Block

Some good advice for overcoming creative block

I love jungle

Remember hearing this on the Ali G show back in the day... Memories

Tuesday, 16 February 2010


Aids Graffiti HD from stephane pivron on Vimeo.

brilliant animation.. who doesn't love penises drawn on toilet walls?

Monday, 8 February 2010



I drank 53 glasses of water last week.. Does that seem like a lot?

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Bristol Dubstep

Not a huge fan of dubstep but i did enjoy a lot of the bristolian references and shots..

Its mad how quickly the dubstep scene has developed, this was made in 2006 and if you watch the very last section you can see that none of them have any idea how quickly it was going to esculate into the same clown step nonsense it took drum and bass about 15 years to turn into. Obviously there's still a lot of good music out there from both genres but it's funny how quickly utter shit can develope when momey gets pumped into a scene.

Old skool dokumentary

Just stumbled accross this, classic.

Monday, 25 January 2010

Petra City

This ancient city in Jordan was built around 600BC and is only carved out of a mother fucking mountain!

To carve the front they had to start hacking away at the top and work downwards, they did this without anything even close to modern technology and got it perfect...

To my mind this is absolutely incredible.

Sunday, 17 January 2010


This website is wicked for miscellaneous inspiration..


These are basically condensed versions of the book Buying and Selling your Home by Francis James. They are pocket guides on how to go about selling and purchasing property for the individual who is just too damn busy.